Saint Thomas Aquinas High School established the Saints Hall of Fame Awards Program in the school's 25th year to formally recognize Alumni, parents, and friends that help define and advance the institution and its mission.
The Nomination Process
All nominees must demonstrate Catholic values that represent Saint Thomas Aquinas High School and demonstrate our four core values: FAITH, EXCELLENCE, SERVICE, and COMMUNITY.
Nominations for the Saints Hall of Fame can be submitted to Saint Thomas Aquinas High School by any member in or outside of the Saints community.
This recognition honors alumni who have exemplified dedication and faithfulness to the mission and ideals of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School through exceptional personal or professional accomplishment. Nominations for this award are accepted on an ongoing basis from all STA constituencies, and selected annually by an appointed Selection Committee. Recipients must be graduates of at least ten years from Saint Thomas Aquinas High School. This award can also be given posthumously.
This honor is given to a person or persons who by example represent the beliefs and ideals of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School. Qualities for induction include outstanding achievement in a person's profession, vocation or avocation, selfless dedication and involvement that have led to the growth, expansion or continued development of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School, and/or significantly influencing the lives of students through a commitment to and enthusiasm for personifying the mission of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School. Recipients can include friends and benefactors from all STA constituencies. Nominations are accepted on an ongoing basis, and recipients are selected biennially by an appointed selection committee. This award can be conferred posthumously.
The Saints Hall of Fame Legacy Award is given to individuals, families, groups or organizations in recognition of long-term commitment to the mission of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School and exceptional service to the Catholic Church. Recipients of this award may be identified by the President and/or Board of Trustees, and can be conferred at any time during the recipient's tenure. This honor can be conferred posthumously.
This award is bestowed upon faculty, staff, and administrators of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School for their life-long commitment to the ideals and values of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School. Recipients of this award are identified and selected by the President and/or Board of Trustees, and can be conferred at any time during the recipient’s tenure. This honor may also be given posthumously.
Marian Award Recipients to Date:
Gennaro Mirocke, 1992
Richard Scott+, 1995
Blake Mulvany, 1996
Janiece Dye, 1996
Sister Kathleen Condry, 1998
Evelyn Boutte, 1999
Gail Prieb, 2002
Archbishop James P. Keleher, 2005
Dennis and Geri Hord, 2005
James Enneking, 2008
Bonnie Patrick, 2009
Bob Aley, 2010
Rebecca Heidlage, 2013
Judy Nickum, 2013
Iris Flournoy, 2014
Tim Lillis+, 2014
Elizabeth Vrabac, 2014
Sue Waters, 2016
Judy Frankovic, 2017
Cyndy Novacek, 2017
Barb Summerson, 2017
Kaye Thompson, 2018
Greg Wilson, 2017
Sarah Burgess
Craig Ewing
Bill Ford
David Shriver
Karen Sturges
Mike Sullivan
All nominees must demonstrate Catholic values that represent Saint Thomas Aquinas High School and demonstrate the four core values of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School. This may include involvement in activities that directly support the school's mission and/or complementary programs not affiliated with Saint Thomas Aquinas High School that reflect the candidate's Christian values.
“Exceptional professional or personal achievement” shall be deemed appropriate and worthy of recognition by the Selection Committee.
Areas of “outstanding achievement in profession, vocation or avocation” may include – but not are not limited to – fields of industry, religion, science, business,
the arts, medicine, the military, or athletics.
Acceptance will be contingent on his/her ability to attend the Induction ceremony.
The Awards Selection Committee will consist of:
The president of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
A representative of the STA Board of Trustees
Two representatives of the STA Faculty
A representative of the STA Staff
Two past or current alumni parents
Send the completed Official Nomination Form and Nomination Cover Sheet with supporting documentation, resume, media articles, etc. to: Cover Sheet Form
Saints Hall-of-Fame Nominations
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
11411 Pflumm Road
Overland Park, KS 66215
FAX (913) 345-2319
Erica Thesing Kratofil, ‘97 (Overland Park, Kansas)
Mikey Needleman, ‘02 (Olathe, Kansas)
Benjamin Schloegel, ‘96 (Kansas City, Missouri)
Dr. Brigid Molen Sullivan, ‘95 (Mount Pleasant, South Carolina)
Distinguished Service Award
Malcolm "Mac" Ayer (Leawood, Kansas)
Gail & Bob Foote (Stillwell, Kansas)
Bob Frankovic (Overland Park, Kansas)
Dave Goebel (Overland Park, Kansas)
Barb & John O'Donnell (Overland Park, Kansas)
Legacy Award
MRZ Corporation
“I wouldn’t trade the 15 years with Aquinas for anything. While the actual Extravaganza was fabulous, it was always the days, weeks, and months before where the real magic happened. I measure an experience by the friends we keep. The lifelong friendships made, the laughs shared and the autonomy to use a creative spirit as I see fit - I am grateful for all of it.”
Mary Luther, 2023 Distinguished Service Award Recipient