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Saint Thomas Aquinas High School

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President's Welcome

In the spirit of the power of actions, we will show you the strength of our Catholic faith in action. Once you become a Saint, you are always a SAINT.


Saint Thomas Aquinas offers a holistic approach to learning, Our four pillars of faith, community, excellence in academics and athletics, and service to others equips students with the tools they need to become compassionate, ethical, and well-rounded individuals. 

With FAITH at the heart of our mission, our students learn to navigate the complexities of life with compassion, purpose, and a strong moral compass. Guided by our motto "Amor Vincit Omnia - Love Conquers All," students approach ethical decisions armed with love and justice.

What sets us apart is the sense of belonging our students feel. At Aquinas, students form deep connections with their peers, teachers, and the wider faith community that make Aquinas feel like a second home. It is this emphasis on COMMUNITY that supports our students' growth academically, emotionally, and spiritually. The relationships formed within our community provide a lifelong support network.

Students are challenged and supported in the classroom. Our commitment to academic EXCELLENCE means we work to discover ways to incorporate opportunities that challenge students to reach their full potential. Additionally, we recognize the importance of the arts and athletics in nurturing students' talents. Through participation in artistic endeavors and athletic activities, students learn discipline, teamwork, and creativity, developing well-rounded personalities.

Central to a Catholic education is the call to serve others, following the example of Christ. At Saint Thomas Aquinas, students are encouraged to engage in acts of charity, compassion, and social justice through clubs and activities on campus. Through SERVICE learning initiatives, students develop a deep sense of empathy and a commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

We WELCOME YOU to our community at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School. You can count on a Catholic Education that provides students with a transformative and enriching experience.

Amor Vincit Omnia - Love Conquers All!

Brian Schenck

Nothing created has ever been able to fill the heart of man. God alone can fill it infinitely.
St. Thomas Aquinas

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