IF YOU DON’T SEE STUDENTPRINTER - no spaces, no underlines - REINSTALL
Go to the link on the Library website - www.stasaints.net (MUST USE www.)→ click Academics → Learning Commons →Resources button→ then click the link you will see below
http://LCPrint:9163/setup - Click the link from the site - DON’T TYPE IN THE BROWSER, click download and install.
Windows users
click the download button and install. When prompted to login use your BYOD username and password. When selections for printer popup DESELECT Follow Me SELECT StudentPrinter.
Mac users
click download. Install the program. Double click the box (looks like an actual open box) to finish the install and go through the steps. DESELECT Follow Me SELECT StudentPrinter. Use the password for your computer to complete the install.
Mac users
when printing you will be prompted to log in, take out the name of your device, use your BYOD username and password. The device defaults to the name of your Mac - take it out and replace it with your BYOD username. IF YOUR PAPER OPENS TO A PDF - open the pdf and print the pdf - EITHER COMMAND P or File Print.
Print - click File print (or Ctrl P for Windows, Command P for Mac) , may have to choose the drop down menu and select See More to find StudentPrinter. MAC USERS - your document might open up to a pdf - repeat this process:)
MAC users IF your paper doesn’t print, look for the printer icon in the bottom toolbar, click it and click the refresh button. Put in your BYOD username and password again. Your device defaults to the name of your Mac - you MUST take it out and put in your BYOD username and password.
MAC users IF you get the message - Hold for Authentication - click the refresh button, take out your name (defaults to the name of your Mac, replace it with your BYOD name and your BYOD password.
ALL users IF the document looks “small” choose settings and change from A3 to letter.
Print from your iPhone - access the link, scroll to the bottom, click IOS. If you see the Apple, click the Apple to toggle to IOS. Scroll to the top and click download.
you will need to set up the printer as a TCP/IP printer.
Click the clock in the lower right corner.
Click the gear icon to open the settings menu.
Scroll all the way down and click “Advanced”
Find the Printing section and click “Printers”
Select “add printer”
Type “Student Printer” for the printer name
Add the printer's IP address:
Select the AppSocket (TCP/IP) protocol
Choose “Kyocera” for the manufacturer
Choose “Kyocera ECOSYS P3050dn KPDL” for the model
You may need to wait a few minutes for the printer to be available in Google Docs