Current Families
Schedules and Dates
Bell Schedule
Anchor Dates
All Dates are Subject to Change
2: New Teacher Orientation
5-9: Faculty Faith Formation (FFF), Professional Development (PD) & Workdays
12: Orientation Day
13: Orientation Day
14: 1st Day of Classes
15: Assumption of the Blessed Mary All-School Mass
19: 1st Day of Fall Sports
21: Back to School Night
2: No School: Labor Day
23: No School: FFF/PD
27: Homecoming Mass & Assembly
28: Homecoming Dance
14: Grandparents’ Day Mass
16: No School: PSAT Testing & Parent-Teacher Conferences
17: No School: PD/FFF
18: No School: PD
1: All Saints’ Day Mass
15: No School: PD
16: Extravaganza
18: 1st Day of Winter Sports
22: Noon Dismissal: PD
23: Open House
27-29: Thanksgiving Break
3 & 5: Reconciliation
9: Immaculate Conception Mass
16: No School: Office Hours
17: Final Exams
18: Final Exams
19: Final Exams
20: Make-up Exams & Grades Due
6: PD
7: 2nd Semester Begins
20: No School: MLK Day
28: Feast Day of St. Thomas Aquinas Mass
8: WPA Dance
13: Noon Dismissal: PreACT/College Day & Parent Teacher Conferences
14: No School: FFF/PD
17: No School: President’s Day
3: 1st Day of Spring Sports
5: Ash Wednesday All-School Mass
14: No School: PD
17-21: Spring Break
24: No School: FFF/PD
1 & 3: Reconciliation
5: Prom
7: Noon Dismissal: FFF
17: No School: Holy Thursday
18: No School: Good Friday
21: No School: Easter Monday
23: Easter Mass
25: Spring Olympics
28: Class Competition Day Off
2: Senior Celebration Day*
6 & 7: Senior Exams*
9: Senior Mass*
14: Baccalaureate
15: Graduation
16: No School: Office Hours (9-12) & PD (12-3)
19: Final Exams
20: Final Exams
21: Final Exams
22: Make-up Exams & Grades Due
*Subject to change due to AP Testing
Additional Information
Skyward How-To
Skyward's Power-Up Videos provide a quick explanation of features within Skyward Family Access. Click the link and take a look.
Family Access Account Settings
Sending Messages to Teachers through Skyward
Skyward Family Access
Driver Registration
To drive a car to school and park at Saint Thomas Aquinas, a student must have parental permission and the car must be registered with the school. Each student who has a car registered with the school will receive a parking sticker for his or her car, to be displayed in the rear window. If you have more than one student driving a car, each car will need to be registered. To register your car, please CLICK HERE. Once the form has been filled out, please print it off and have your student come to the attendance office, with the form to receive a parking sticker. Freshman are not allowed to drive to school. Those students needing to drive and are not yet 16, must receive written permission from Dr. Lori Greeson. She can be emailed at
B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Device)
Acceptable Use Policy
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School is able to offer our students, staff, and guests access to computer technology, including access to the Internet, specific online services, and the Saint Thomas Aquinas information technology network. We are dedicated to access and support of appropriate technology which unlocks our potential and connects us locally and globally. We envision a learning environment where technology is a part of us, not apart from us.
We believe that technology, including the information technology network, is an educational resource that has tremendous value which far outweighs potential risks. We will leverage existing and emerging technologies as a means to learn and thrive in the 21st Century, and prepare our students for success toward their goals in the competitive, global, electronic age. We know that access to the tools and resources of a world-wide network, and understanding when and how these tools are appropriately and effectively used, are crucial to each student's education. Technology can also be used to enhance students’ knowledge of the Catholic faith.
The school's information technology resources, including email and Internet access, are provided for educational purposes. If you have any doubt about whether a contemplated activity is acceptable, consult with the Director of Technology to help decide if a use is appropriate. It is also the responsibility of each user to access only materials consistent with Catholic doctrine and the educational goals of the school. Adherence to the following policy is necessary for continued access to the school's technological resources:
Users must respect and protect the privacy of others by:
- Using only assigned accounts;
- Only viewing, using, or copying passwords, data, or networks to which they are authorized; and
- Refraining from distributing private information about others or themselves.
Users must respect and protect the intellectual property of others by:
- Following copyright laws (not making illegal copies of music, games, or movies);
- Citing sources when using others' work (not plagiarizing).
Users must respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources by:
- Observing all school Internet filters and posted network security practices;
- Reporting security risks or violations to a teacher or network administrator;
- Respecting data, networks, or other resources that do not belong to them, and only using resources with clear permission of the owner;
- Conserving, protecting, and sharing these resources with other users; and
- Notifying a staff member or administrator of computer or network malfunctions through the creation of a service request.
Users must respect and practice the principles of community by:
- Communicating only in ways that are kind and respectful;
- Reporting threatening or discomforting materials to a teacher or administrator;
- Refraining from accessing, transmitting, copying, or creating material that violates the school's code of conduct (such as messages/content that are pornographic, threatening, rude, discriminatory, or meant to harass);
- Refraining from accessing, transmitting, copying, or creating material that is illegal (such as obscenity, stolen materials, or illegal copies of copyrighted works);
- Avoiding spam, chain letters, or other mass unsolicited mailings;
- Refraining from buying, selling, advertising, or otherwise conducting business, unless approved as a school project; and
- Remembering that all student communications represent Saint Thomas Aquinas High School and thus reflect our mission.
Users may, if in accord with the policy above:
- Design and post web pages and other material from school resources;
- Communicate electronically via tools such as email, chat, text, or videoconferencing; and
- Use the resources for any educational purpose.
Consequences for Violation:
Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action, including the loss of a user's privileges to use the school's information technology resources. Further discipline may be imposed in accordance with the school’s Code of Conduct up to and including suspension or expulsion depending on the degree and severity of the violation.
Supervision and Monitoring:
The use of school owned information technology resources is not private. School and network administrators and their authorized employees will monitor the use of information technology resources to help ensure that uses are secure and in conformity with this policy. Administrators reserve the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the school's information networks in order to further the health, safety, discipline, or security of any student or other person, or to protect property. They may also use this information in disciplinary actions, and if appropriate, will furnish evidence of crime to law enforcement.
The school reserves the right to determine which uses constitute acceptable use and to limit access to such uses. The school also reserves the right to limit the time of access, bandwidth allowances, and priorities among competing acceptable uses.
Disclaimer of Liability:
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School shall not be responsible for any material on a computer network, including the Internet, which may be deemed objectionable to a user (or his/her parents, if a minor); for any inaccurate information disseminated over the network; for any hostile or injurious actions of third parties encountered through a computer network; for any charges incurred by the user of a computer or computer network without prior permission; or for any damage or loss incurred by a user or any subsequent party by the use of files or software obtained over a computer network.
Electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. System administrators do have access to all accounts on the STASAINTS domain and retain the right to obtain access to personal accounts on the network if warranted and deemed necessary by the administration. Students who violate school policies using any device on campus, or through use of their assigned Google account, are subject to disciplinary action
The school shall not warrant the functions of the system to meet any specific requirements the user may have, or that it will be error-free or uninterrupted; nor shall the school be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including damage to personal devices, lost data, information or time sustained in connection with the use, operation or inability to use the system.
Portions of this AUP are modeled after:
- An example previously provided by US Department of Justice - Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section.
- Blue Valley USD #229 - Administrative Guidelines for Board of Education Policy 3518.
- St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School, Austin, Texas Student Handbook Acceptable Use Policy (page 10).
Device Requirements
Device Requirements
I want to let you know what we are finding to work best at helping our students and teachers be more efficient and productive. First, however, please allow me to give a little background on the initiative.
When we began discussing a 1-to-1 implementation model, we were focused on what device would work best for our needs. At the time, school districts all over the nation were touting their programs to put iPads in everyone’s hands. Chromebooks were just entering the fray and were gaining ground quickly due to their price. We became certain that putting an iPad in everyone’s hands would yield the results we were looking for. Then, one day we sat around talking and the lightbulb came on and we all realized that what we were talking about being able to do had exactly NOTHING to do with what device was in a student’s hands because what we were going to be asking students to do could be done across a variety of platforms. We surveyed students and found that the vast majority of them already had access to devices, and it dawned on us that it seemed ridiculous to ask them to buy something else if they already had something they could use. Long story short, thank God we figured that out sooner rather than later. Over the last eight years we have met with multiple companies and our discussions have reaffirmed our decision; that our BYOD environment mirrored a “real-world” work environment.
That said, we are finding that some devices work better than others. For instance, our science department has consulted with colleges and has chosen a textbook company that aligns itself with the college texts. One component of the textbook resources is an online testing suite. We have found that iPads do not work with that particular aspect of the suite, and Chromebooks suffer from some of the same issues.
So – here are the devices we would recommend….
- A Windows 10/11 tablet, such as the Microsoft Surface, with a physical keyboard, or
- A laptop – either Windows (Windows 10 or newer) or MacBook (2017 or newer).
Some of you are probably wondering where Chromebooks, iPads and other tablets fit into the picture: we are no longer recommending iPads and other (non-Windows) tablets. Unfortunately, these devices present some limitations that are difficult to overcome. These tend to be good for running a particular “app” but if we ask students to create with them they become somewhat cumbersome and that leads to frustration (which tends to interfere with the whole efficient and productive component we are trying to improve). If an app-based tablet is the only device available for your student, please make sure it also has a physical keyboard to make it as functional as possible when creating content.
Chromebooks have some of the same limitations, but if families determine that is the best course of action for their family, we help them find ways around those device hurdles whenever possible. It does present a challenge when we do some of our online assessment as the deployment of the lockdown browsers don’t always play nicely with the Chrome system, so they are not on the list of recommended devices.
We do a lot with the Google suite of apps, and your student will be given free access to Microsoft Office 365 (don't buy it with your device!) so you don’t need any special software, although we highly encourage an up-to-date anti-virus program (check with your internet provider). If you should want device insurance, a quick Google search will yield a plethora of options.
Should you have any questions as you go through the process, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact Mr. Al Miner, Director of Technology, or myself, Craig Moss, Principal, and we will do our best to provide timely guidance. Our contact info is below.
Craig Moss
P.S. -
You probably can't expect a $300-quality laptop to last all four years of high school, however a $2000 computer isn't going to do anything (for school) significantly better than something much less expensive. $600 to $1200 is about the sweet spot of quality and features for a new laptop that should remain useful for four years.
(If your student only has one or two years before graduation gifts roll in, consider something less expensive. Expect complaining though.)
Specs to look for:
- at least 8GB of RAM
- at least 256GB of internal storage/SSD (128GB will be frustrating and limit the number of apps that can be installed on the device)
- a recent generation processor (if it's a brand new computer it should have a new processor in it)
- a basic graphics processor (this is where you can really save money; fast graphics are expensive and unnecessary for school tasks)
Personally, I recommend waiting to buy anything until the tax holidays and back-to-school sales start in August.
- Al Miner
Craig Moss: 913-319-2422
Al Miner: 913-319-2440
Application and Links
Student Printer in the Learning Commons - this link will only work on the STA campus networks. You cannot use this link to print from home.
Directions to change device name - Student devices should use the student's username for its network name. Windows link. Mac Link. iPad link. If you use a Chromebook please see Mr. Miner.
Office 365 - for all devices and operating systems. Use your "" email address
Chrome Web browser - for Windows and Mac. All Google tools and sites function better when using this browser
Google Drive App - for all devices and operating systems. Automatically syncs cloud documents with a folder on your device. Use your "" email address and password
Skyward Apps - for phones and tablets - iPhone and iPad, and Android phones and tablets
Skyward Web Access - Students and Family access from any Web browser
Calendars - subscribe to activity calendars, receive updates and notifications about events
MAP Test lockdown browsers - necessary to take the MAP test on your device - used to verify student writing is original academically honest work.
MAP Test Clients
Parent Guild
Our Parent Guild
The Saint Thomas Aquinas Parent Guild plans and implements events and programs, promotes Saint Thomas Aquinas to prospective families and enriches student experiences through our parent network all to build a community of Saints for our families and staff.
Every Parent is a Member of the Saints Parent Guild.
The Saint's PG Steering Committee consists of three primary functions:
- Parent Ambassadors: Represent & promote STA to prospective and current STA families (Delegates of each parish)
- Social Ambassadors: Build community through social events and programs for current families as well as plan appreciation events for our STA staff. (All Social Ambassadors lead one Parent Guild event/program through the year)
- New Family Mentors: Welcome and support to our new families
The Parent Guild Steering Committee meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Any Saint Parent is welcome to attend a meeting. (Please advise the President so we can properly introduce you).
We need all families to participate and volunteer to make the Parent Guild a success! There are many ways to get involved.
Signup and you will be contacted by a Committee Chair. For general information or if you are interested in being a member of the Parent Guild Steering Committee, please contact:
Order a Yearbook Ad
The Medallion Yearbook - Order a 2024 Senior Ad Today!
Parents of the class of 2024,
To honor your senior, purchase a senior ad to be displayed in the 2024 yearbook!
This year’s streamlined process will prompt you to choose your package, upload the photos, type your message, and pay all in one place. All purchases will be made using the order center, no checks will be accepted.
Senior ads are available for purchase at a standard price until December 15. To receive a discounted price, purchase your ad by September 15. A late fee will be applied to any ad purchased after December 15. No ads may be purchased past February 16, 2024.
Packages are as follows:
- Quarter Page - 1-3 photos
- Discount Pricing (through 9/15) - $150
- Price (through 12/15) - $200
- Late Price (through 2/16) - $250
- Half Page - 1 to 4 photos
- Discount Pricing (through 9/15) - $200
- Price (through 12/15) - $250
- Late Price (through 2/16) - $300
- Full Page - 4 to 6 photos
- Discount Pricing (through 9/15) - $280
- Price (through 12/15) - $330
- Late Price (through 2/16) - $400
To order a senior ad, click the link below.
Senior Ad Order Center (enter school order number 3432)
Please email Yearbook Adviser Libby Schmitz ( with any questions.