Kansas Thespian Festival
On January 10-12, 27 students and five adults traveled to Wichita to partake in the Kansas Thespian Festival. In the 20 plus years we’ve been going to this event, this is the largest number of students we have taken.
Join us in congratulating students, Kayla Prothe, Caitlin Dolan, Matthew Fortino, and Caran McMahon who took 2nd place out of 12-15 schools that competed!
On January 10-12, 27 students and five adults traveled to Wichita to partake in the Kansas Thespian Festival. In the 20 plus years we’ve been going to this event, this is the largest number of students we have taken.
At the festival, students attended workshops with professional actors, dancers, directors, playwrights, and technical theatre folks. They also attended performances, auditioned for college scholarships, and competed in varying events ranging from dance to acting to technical theatre.
This year our students competed in the "Backstage Challenge" where they competed in various technical theatre challenges scored by time and accuracy. Kayla Prothe, Caitlin Dolan, Matthew Fortino, and Caran McMahon took 2nd place out of 12-15 schools that competed!
Our Saints also competed in individual events (Thespys). They all earned ratings of "EXCELLENT" by their judges.
- Alex McNamara, Jack Polack, and Amaya Jackson in self choreographed group dance
- Harper Wright in Solo Musical Theatre
- Chloe Hochanadel in Solo Musical Theatre
Congratulations to these students. They represented Saint Thomas Aquinas well!