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Saint Thomas Aquinas High School

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WPA - Roaring Twenties

WPA is February 8th in the Saint Thomas Aquinas Commons.

Ticket pricing. Buy early and save.

  • $20 a person - January 22-23
  • $25 a person - January 24 - February 7
  • $50 a person - February 8 (at the door)

Tickets can be purchased online* or in RM 203 (cash or check). 

*$1 service fee for tickets purchased online.

Students may request to bring an outside guest to the dance, but must have the Outside Dance Contract Form filled out, signed by an Administrator and turned in to the Student Life Office one week before the dance.



Unlike the Homecoming Dance and Prom, all grade levels can attend WPA. Here is some information to help families navigate the evening smoothly. 

  1. The dance is from 8:00 – 11:00 pm in the school commons. All students must arrive at the dance no later than 9:00 pm. All students must remain at the dance until at least 10:30 pm. If a student does not arrive by 9:00, an administrator will call home to verify their location.
  2. Tickets must be purchased for the dance. Tickets are $25 a person and are available online and in room 203. A $1 service fee is added to each ticket purchased online. Online sales will end 2/6. On 2/7 tickets will only be sold in person in room 203. 
  3. The activities director, Mr. Ken Fox, must approve outside guests. A form may be picked up in the activities office or printed online. Directions for completing the form can be found on the form. All outside guest forms must be submitted no later than Wednesday, February 5th. Outside guests must be in the 9th grade or higher and also under 21. Only one outside guest per STA student will be allowed.
  4. The theme for WPA is Roaring 20’s Unlike most school dances, this one is a themed dance and students are encouraged to dress in theme. All outfits must be appropriate and modest.  
  5. Students attending WPA will be required to act appropriately. All items brought into the dance are subject to search (i.e., purses, coats, bags, etc.) The use, distribution, or possession of drugs or alcohol (this includes tobacco and vaping) is prohibited at any school event. If a violation occurs, authorities will be notified, and parents called. Students may be checked with an alcohol analyzer. Inappropriate dancing or public displays of affection will not be allowed. If necessary, students may be escorted out and barred from the next STA dance. Outside guests must abide by these rules as well. 

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