Saints News
The Saints 16th annual canned food drive - Proud to be an AmeriCAN - is in the books! The cans are on their way to Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas warehouse in KCK. The shelves will be stocked and many people will benefit from your generosity in the coming months.
Thank you to everybody who contributed to the drive, bought a T-shirt, and brought in cans - thank you. We really had a great week!
104,963 Cans
60 Hygiene Kits (assembled and donated by the faculty and staff).
#stasaints #cannedfood #catholiccharities
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Congratulations to our Saints signing National Letters of Intent in April! Congratulations to these @STAsaints student athletes who will sign a National Letter of Intent to play at the collegiate level. Years of hard work have led to this moment and we’re proud to share with you their accomplishment.
STA PINK OUT is on Tuesday! Our sports teams will be spreading pink all over the fields, and our student body will be wearing pink to school! We are collecting $5.00 on Tuesday morning for a “pink shirt” dress down day.