National Honor Society
If we wish to serve God and love our neighbor well, we must manifest our joy in the service we render to Him and them. Let us open wide our hearts. It is joy which invites us. Press forward and fear nothing. St. Katharine Drexel
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
How do I become a member of National Honor Society?
To be eligible for membership in the National Honor Society, the candidate must be a junior or senior and have been at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School the equivalent of one semester. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of their demonstrated academics, service, leadership, and character. A NHS council composed of faculty evaluates candidate information and makes recommendations for selection. Students who exhibit behavior in or out of school contrary to the mission of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School may not be eligible. Information about the selection process may be obtained from the NHS sponsors.
Selection Criteria and Application Process
Selection is based upon the following and must reflect a level of excellence and variety in each area.
Academics – students must have a cumulative GPA of 95% or above.
Service – students must show evidence of service beyond what is required by the school.
Leadership – students are judged on performance in a variety of areas such as elected office, chairmanships, group leadership, or other demonstrated leadership skills.
Character – students with referrals in the current or previous semester will not be admitted. Multiple detentions or other similar activity may result in a student not being selected.
Students who meet the academic standard are notified and given information and packets in December. Students must return completed packets by the designated deadline and are notified by mail regarding selection or non-selection.
NOTE: Written appeals may be made by the student to the selection committee if a student believes an error has occurred in the notification of eligibility or the mathematical miscalculation of the GPA. Non-selection or the student’s failure to complete the packet correctly are not matters of appeal.
Those students that were chosen to be inducted can click this link to accept the invitation.
NHS Sponsors these School-wide Service Events
School Supply Drive
The National Honor Society hosts a School Supply Drive for Resurrection Catholic School in Kansas City, KS.
When three small schools serving five parishes in the poorest parts of KCK were being closed, Resurrection was formed to unite and "resurrect" them under one roof. Each year, Resurrection's teachers send us a list of which supplies their students need most. During the first full week of classes, NHS students gather, tally, pack and deliver the supplies for Resurrection.
There is a goal set for each grade. If a grade reaches their goal, they get a Class Competition point. The first grade to reach their goal gets an extra bonus point.
Christmas Family Project
Every November, the National Honor Society organizes a Christmas gift drive. Principals from Resurrection Catholic and Holy Name schools in Kansas City, Kansas, pick about 40 families that could use gifts the most.
The families then fill out their Christmas wish list. Each STA Period "adopts" a family and provides Christmas gifts for the entire family.
The school sets a "gift-wrapping" day in December in which each STA period celebrates the season by wrapping gifts and loading them in a U-Haul truck and a trailer to be delivered to the families.
Annual Blood Drive
In February, the National Honor Society works with the Community Blood Center to provide blood during a time of year when donations are down.
NHS members encourage students to donate, then help them through the process with reminders and after-care.
The record was 153 units in 2018. Members of the community are also welcome to donate at Aquinas by signing up through the website.
National Honor Society Motto
Noblesse Oblige is a French phrase, literally meaning nobility obligates. In broader terms, it signifies that those of high rank have the obligation to behave honorably, generously, and responsibly to others.