Support Us
Your support ensures we are able to provide students with an exceptional education and a bright future.
Advancing Our Mission
Contributions to Saint Thomas Aquinas have a significant impact in providing opportunities for students to develop their God-given spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical potential and help them become life-long learners and responsible citizens guided by Catholic values.
The Advancement Office is responsible for furthering the mission of the school through careful planning and management of all fundraising initiatives, including annual, capital, endowed, and planned gifts, alumni relations, special events and communications.
It is by living with love and offering Christian witness in our daily tasks that we are called to become SAINTS.
Pope Francis
Streamlining Community Support With One Ask
Goal: 1.2 Million
This year, you have a tremendous opportunity to make a lasting impact and leave a legacy for our future Saints. Annual giving through the Saints Community Fund plays a vital role in our students’ success in the classroom, through campus ministry, on the stage, and the field. This year we are combining our annual giving efforts with the needs of Phase 1 of our We Are Called Campaign.
Gifts made to ONE GIFT. ONE GOAL. fulfill both our annual giving with the Saints Community Fund and our current campaign, We Are Called. Everyone is invited to participate in the ONE GIFT. ONE GOAL. initiative by making a one-time or recurring gift or a pledge of $5,000 or more between August 1, 2024 and June 30, 2026.
Saints Community Fund + We Are Called Campaign
Once we reach the goal of $1.2 million, our annual giving needs for the 2024-2025 school year will be met and Phase 1 of the Campaign will be fully funded! Your gift will also be applied to complete the $1 million match from the Hunt family. Your prayerful consideration of the impact you can make is greatly appreciated.
Learn more about ONE GIFT. ONE GOAL.
Make a Cash Gift or Future Pledge & Secure a Gift Match From Lamar Hunt Jr.
For every $200.000 raised, the Hunt family will match $100.000 up to a million!
Lamar Hunt Jr. will match half the amount of any cash gift or future pledge. The more you give the closer we get to reaching our goal!
What is Annual Giving?
Annual Giving is the lifeblood of any school. Annual Giving sustains programs and activities that are not covered by tuition. More importantly it ensures our mission continues to thrive in the lives of our students and families.
We promote Annual Giving all year long, but we kick off the Annual Giving program in August by asking school families and other supporters of the school to donate to our annual fund - recently renamed as the Saints Community Fund. Previously referred to as the Saints Annual Appeal, every student benefits from the Saints Community Fund. This annual fund is the most important giving priority at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School because it allows us to maintain our tradition of excellence in education.
Participation in the Saints Community Fund will make a real and meaningful difference to our students, our faculty and future generations of students who will have access to everything a Saint Thomas Aquinas education has to offer. Gifts to this fund are unrestricted, allowing the school’s leadership to determine where this support is most needed, and can do the most good.
We invite you to help us maintain our tradition of excellence in education by donating to the Saints Community Fund each year. Gifts of any amount are appreciated and valued!
Annual Giving Opportunities
Saint Thomas Aquinas Leadership Giving Society
Saint Thomas Aquinas recognizes donors who have made gifts totaling $1000 or more to the school within the current calendar year.
Members are invited to a reception in January, in recognition of their philanthropic leadership giving.
Current Campaign
As a Catholic high school, we are called to inspire and educate our students so they may discover and use their God-given gifts to spread His love to others.
We must examine our current reality and find ways to improve programs and facilities to help our students explore and apply their gifts. We are all called. How will you answer?
Advancement Events
Past Events
- Grandparents Mass (Fall)
- Saints Trivia Challenge (Winter)
- Saints Golf Classic (June)
- Hall of Fame
There are various convenient giving options to meaningfully support Saint Thomas Aquinas in addition to cash gifts and pledges.
Please review our Giving Options
Advancement Team
Brian Schenck
Samantha Paradise, '03
Director of Community Relations
Michelle Holzmeister
Advancement Manager
Tim Zande, '02
Director of Advancement
Bryan Thrasher
Director of Content and Integration
Judy Callahan
Director of Strategic Communications
Christine Darden, '06
Director of Special Events