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Saint Thomas Aquinas High School

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Grandparents Mass

“Grandparents are the footsteps to the future generations.”

Monday, October 14, 2024 

Saint Thomas Aquinas Gymnasium

Grandparents Mass Logo

Before Mass Slideshow

Social Media Video

Monday, October 14, 2024 

Saint Thomas Aquinas Gymnasium

Grandparents Mass Logo
Saint Thomas Aquinas student with his Grandparent at Grandparent's Mass


Send in Your Photos by Oct. 8th

A special video tribute to Grandparents will be shown in the Commons before Mass begins at 10:00 am. We would love to have pictures of 

Photos may be sent in with students to the Advancement Office or emailed to

Schedule of Events

Enter the school campus from the North or South entrance and park in the available spots. Both the North & South Commons doors will be open.

Time Activity
8:00 AM Students arrive. Be aware that the parking lots and the Commons are very busy until that time.
8:30 - 9:15 AM  Complimentary coffee and rolls in the Commons.
8:30 - 9:45 AM Spirit Shop is open! Feel free to shop for your favorite “Saint” in our Spirit Shop.
8:45 AM Grandparents video in the Commons.
9:15 AM

Doors to the Gym open and students are dismissed from their classrooms to meet their Grandparents in the Commons before heading into to the Gym.

*Seating will be available for you and your grandchild(ren) to sit together in the Main Gym. There will be seating on the floor with chairbacks

10:00 AM Celebration of Mass.
11:15 AM Students return to their 5th hour class.