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Saint Thomas Aquinas High School

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Our Events

Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious.St. Thomas Aquinas

Upcoming Event

October 14, 2024

Grandparents Mass Logo


Grandparents are invited to celebrate Mass with their “Saint” grandchildren on Monday, October 14th. 

Please email pictures of your students with their Grandparents to by 10/8/2024 to be included in the video.


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Saints in Disguise 

EXTV Save the Date


About Extravaganza

Held every November at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School, Extravaganza is a "fun & fund-raising" tradition to help fund the "after the bell" education for our students: extra learning and life lessons that come with being on a team, involved with a club, playing an instrument, or performing on stage.  Colleges and employers today want well-rounded students: successful not just in the classroom but in setting and achieving goals, being dependable and being able to work well with peers.  Patrons of Extravaganza ensure the quality of our co- and extra-curricular programs. 

Yearly Events

Homecoming Tailgate

Homecoming 2024 Logo, Once Upon a Homecoming
The Homecoming Tailgate is an annual event that brings our Saints community together for food, fellowship and fun! We welcome all our Alumni, Past Parents, Current Parents and Community to join us!

Trivia Challenge

We had a terrific turnout of over 300 people! Thank you to all those who participated and or volunteered their time to make the night so special. 
Alumni team "Jeanius"

Grandparents Mass

Grandparents are the roots of family! Thank you for celebrating Mass with us! Enjoy this short video!

Saints Golf Classic

In Memory of Coach Mirocke.
Proceeds benefit the students of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Saints Golf Classic logo